www.longplays.org Played By T-0815 This SUPER CD-Rom combines both HuCards into the complete game as it originally should have been. IREM added new scenes as well as re-arranged music tracks for each level. |--- Story: 00:00 |------ Stage 01: 06:40 |------ Stage 02: 09:10 |--- Story: 11:20 |------ Stage 03: 12:18 |------ Stage 04: 13:59 |--- Story: 16:18 |------ Stage 05: 20:06 |------ Stage 06: 22:16 |--- Story: 25:03 |------ Stage 07: 25:53 |------ Stage 08: 28:00 |--- Story: 29:50
game nec pc engine pc-engine turbografx-16 turbografx-CD turboduo
No miss clear(Stage1 - Stage4). Part2 www.youtube.com 良くも悪くもBGMがアレンジされています。
pcengine PCエンジン
No miss clear(Stage5 - Stage8). Part1 www.youtube.com 一番苦手の5面、音楽はまったく別物です。ボス・ベルメイト戦では連射機能を使っています。 6面ボス・ヤジュー戦は右上に移動しましたが、対空レーザーを装備している場合は右下にて瞬殺できます。 エンディングは割愛。R-9に乗っているのが微妙なオッサンということが判明するのですが、まあ見ない方が身のためです。
pcengine PCエンジン
R-Type complete CD running on an actual NEC PC engine DUO-R
www.longplays.org Played By Valis77 This is the second remake of the Sega Genesis version with added cutscenes Extra Stages and new powerups. Stage 1: 06:54 Stage 2: 12:54 Stage 3: 14:50 Stage 4: 18:25 Stage 5: 21:51 Stage 6: 27:12 Stage 7: 30:20 Stage 8: 38:39 Final Battle: 40:58
game nec pc engine pc-engine turbografx-16 turbografx-CD turboduo
R-TYPE Complete Disc OP
R-Type DX is one of several ’R-Type I II’ compilations released out there and it’s not too shabby all things considererd. Sure it doesn’t really match R-Type Complete CD (PCE-CD) R-Types (Playstation) or R-Type Dimensions (Xbox 360) but Bits Studios crammed a surprising degree of content into such a small cart. In addition to being able to play original GB versions of both games you can also play color-enhanced versions of both games as well as ’R-Type DX’ which is both games combined for the ultimate challenge. You can also unlock various things by beating the games and the game provides a pretty good challenge. The game looks and sounds decent for a GB/GBC title. The only real drawback is that there is quite a lot of flickering especially on attacks like large beams and such and given that your ship is relatively large and can barely dodge these attacks in a small corridor when they’re VISIBLE dodging them when they’re invisible or partially visible is not cool at all. If you know what you’re doing you can neutralize a threat before it comes down to this but that’s not the point. All in all a decent handheld version of R-Type and R-Type II. Enjoy.
R-Type DX Bits Studio Irem Game Boy GB
www.longplays.org Played By T-0815 Stage 01: 03:17 Stage 02: 10:23 Stage 03: 14:03 Stage 04: 22:02 Stage 05: 28:30 Stage 06: 36:28 Stage 07: 43:56 Type: R9A / Mode: R-Typer / Loop: 01 Played on PCSX2 0.9.7 (r3113 / all options default). Emulation is not 100% accurate (missing some transparent GFX + sound glitches). In order to protect the file against copyright claims I have replaced the last song with the japanese original. This is not a loss because the original is much better! R-Type Final is the end of the series. Farewell R-Type! ... and now have fun! :)